Notice to all Research Resources Center Customers Heading link
In order to minimize COVID-19 spread, the Research Resources Center, Flow cytometry Core is implementing the following temporary mandatory guidelines for using this core:
- All customers entering the core space will need to wash their hands with soap and water
- Wear a clean lab coat and a pair of new, clean gloves
- Discard gloves in the bio-hazard bag before you leave the lab.
- Try to keep at least one meter/three feet distance between yourself and others
- Instead of shaking hands, exchange greetings with a wave, bow, or nod
- Wipe the keyboard, parts of the instrument that you touch with disinfectant wipes or 70% ETOH before AND after using the instrument
Q: Whom should I contact for general questions to the instrument and services?
A: Please email our team at cytometry@uic.edu
Q: Who should I contact for technical assistance on RRC Websites?
A: Please submit an iLabs ticket with the Scientific Computing Core
Q: Whom should I contact for administrative assistance?
A: Please email our admin team at rrcadmin@uic.edu